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My Integrated Reiki method is a combination of my experience, knowledge and skills which blend together to bring a mastery health and wellness model to you

As a Human I used to think that health was all about weight and the end result of diets. If my clothes fit and I was not dealing with any chronic disease, I was happy and thought I was healthy. I was beebopping along like many people who are busy and just out there working and living and then I heard the word “cancer”. I learned quickly that health is more than weight and now I know that our bodies are complex systems, chemical reactions, cellular processes and most importantly, energy. Oh how I wish I knew then what I know now!! Don’t wait until you hear scary words to start working on your physical, emotional and spiritual health like I did. Knowledge is a powerful driver of behavior and maintains motivation. Knowledge can open your mind to a whole new world and a new definition of what health is because the plan is designed by you. I learned it and am so excited to share it with you.

As a Reiki Master I am so excited to share my Integrated Reiki model with you. With Reiki as the core of my work, wellness, healing, stress reduction and a sense of wholeness is the foundation for creating mind, body and spirit homeostasis.

As a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach I have the training, knowledge and skills to assist you in investigating your physical wellness and creating an individualized plan for higher level wellness.

As a Master Social Worker I have the specialized knowledge and skills to assist you in understanding how to create change in your life

As an Educator I have invested my energy in the learning process because I have the passion to help others and to share that knowledge to uplift each person individually. The best phrase in the world for me to hear from a client is “ohhh, wow, I’ve never thought of it that way before” because then the world of possibilities open up. It’s a joy to witness.

My Bio

Michelle is a Licensed MSW and is a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Social Work and has a combined 30 years experience in child and family therapy, management, organizational design, Integrated Health Care, clinical and corporate training and coaching leaders.  She is a National Subject Matter Expert in Pediatric Integrated Health Care and has provided technical assistance to entities in the State of Michigan as well as a number of mental health organizations and large health systems throughout the United States.  She had presented at a number of State conferences on the topic of Integrated Health Care, was the lead author of the Wayne County Pediatric Integrated Health Care Concept Paper and author of the Pediatric Integrated Health Care Implementation Manual.  She has provided clinical staff and management trainings on topics such as effective and efficient communication, emotional intelligence, coaching and clinical work models. She is also the Director of the University of Michigan Web Based Certificate program for Integrated Physical and Behavioral Health and developed the Pediatric module for the program.  Michelle has also served as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Michigan Graduate School of Social Work on Health Policy and Social Work Interventions in Health Care. 

Michelle is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach through the Institute for Transformational Nutrition and is additionally certified in the study of Hormone Health. Michelle is also a Reiki Master and current Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner student.

The Institute for Transformational Nutrition

Transformational Nutrition is the revolutionary new model of health that blends physical, mental, and spiritual nutrition into one powerful and proven system of coaching. It redefines nutrition. It’s backed by science and shown to be effective


Personalized Nutrition
Common Health Conditions
Functional Nutrition
Environmental Health
Genetics and Epigenetics
Exposome and Microbiome
And more!


Past Trauma
Mental Health
Behavioral Psychology
Emotional Eating
Gut-Brain Axis
And more!


Relationships & Connection
Basic Spiritual Needs
Managing Fear
Spiritual Practices & Rituals
The Role of Spirituality in Healing
Spiritual Transformation
And more!